NHS Orthodontic Treatment in London
The NHS allows for patients under the age of 18 to receive orthodontic treatment, with all costs covered by the health system. However, for a patient to qualify for orthodontic treatment under the NHS, they must meet criteria as set out by the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN).
The IOTN is a scale on which a patient is scored as to the extent of their orthodontic problems. If their orthodontic problems are affecting their overall health and well-being (and the application is not just for cosmetic reasons), then a patient could qualify for treatment.
At Orthodontic Care, we have a set number of patients that we can treat under the NHS. Our specialist orthodontists can assess your child on the IOTN and determine whether they may be a candidate for NHS-funded treatment.
If your child does not qualify for NHS treatment, we are still able to treat them as a private patient. This also has its benefits with a wider range of treatment options available and faster treatment start times.
NHS Treatment Costs
There are no fees for those who qualify for NHS treatment. Anyone seeking NHS treatment must be under the age of 18 years, be referred by their General Dental Practitioner and have an orthodontic problem that warrants treatment for health benefits. NHS orthodontic treatment does not cover the cost of aesthetic clear appliances or replacement removable appliances and retainers. Any treatment conducted by your general dentist that is related to your orthodontic treatment is not covered by the NHS orthodontic fee.

Early Treatment
All children should undergo an orthodontic examination at the age of nine years in order to identify problems of tooth development which can be simply corrected at this early stage. Common problems encountered include:
Crowding of the incisor teeth
Narrowness of the upper jaw leading to a poor biting relationship of the molar teeth (a crossbite)
A reverse incisor bite
Upper incisor protrusion and digit sucking
Malposition of the upper canine teeth
Poor quality first permanent molar teeth
Missing teeth

Some of these problems can be managed with removable appliance treatment, simple fixed appliances or extractions which can help to greatly simplify later treatment.
Book your consultation at Orthodontic Care today and find out how you could benefit from NHS orthodontic treatment.